Tiff Converter

Faxaway offers .tif conversion software available for download (Win95 or Win3.1). This software will allow documents created in any Windows application to be converted to a .tif format type 3 1-D, which Faxaway fully supports.

When a .tif file is attached to an email, Faxaway processes the email as any other attached file. It is not necessary to put FAXDOC in the subject line when sending .tif files. Faxaway will send only one .tif file per message, even if more than one are attached. Merge fields are not available in .tif files.

We suggest that before using the converter, you review the "Read Me" file that downloads with the software.

The .TIF file is useful if you need to send messages in an unsupported character set or if you want to send graphics, Excel, or database files.